Fluttersome FPP and Fabric Choices
Yes, value and contrast matter in your quilt fabric choices - but the order of your fabric matters too! Let’s dig into different fabric choices and see how they change the design of the Fluttersome quilt block.
How To Identify Two-Way Directional Fabrics
Let’s figure out how to identify two-way directional prints to use in the Grandma Core quilt.
Pump Queen: Patchwork Web Piecing
Start sewing faster and more efficiently with web piecing!
Circus Ring SAL - Week 4
Welcome to week 4 of the Circus Ring Quilt SAL! Gather your wits and pins because we’re sewing the center to the arc melons. Click through for some detailed photos and pattern insights.
Circus Ring SAL - Week 3
Welcome to week 3 of the Circus Ring Quilt SAL! Gather your arcs and melons because this week we’re getting curvy! Click through to see some detailed photos of accurate (and aggressive) pinning methods.
Circus Ring SAL - Week 2
Welcome to week two of the Circus Ring Quilt SAL! This week, on our bucket list quilt SAL, we’re piecing the arcs and sewing the corner pieces. Click through to see many more detailed photos and piecing insights. Jump into week two with me!
Spare Block Packing Cube Tutorial
Do you have spare quilt blocks, just laying around, waiting to be turned into something you love? With just a little bit of extra fabric, batting and a zipper, you can turn these orphan blocks into the Spare Block Packing Cube. Click through to get the free tutorial.
Circus Ring SAL - Week 1
Welcome to the Circus Ring Quilt SAL! I’m so glad you joined us! The double wedding ring quilt is a bucket list project for many quilters, but many never get around to it because it can be such a daunting project. This week, we have three goals. Learn, plan and cut. Jump into week 1 with me!
Make bias binding from a FQ
Learn to make bias binding from a fat quarter. Using bias binding brings an elegant finishing touch to any quilt project, brings a new dimension to directional fabrics, and is the only way to finish quilted projects with curved edges.