Santa’s Got a Brand New Bag
Imagine this…
It’s Christmas morning and your little ones run to the Christmas tree to find, uh oh! Santa has left his sack of presents under the tree! Can you picture their joy and surprise to find such a special holiday keepsake? You can make these holiday memories happen with this Santa Sack tutorial! Follow the instructions below to make a 18" x 38" oversized, lined, drawstring bag with Santa themed patchwork on the front and back of the bag
Materials and Cutting Instructions
Before you begin, download Template 1 here and print four copies. Cut out each template and tape together to make one circle template. All seams are ¼".
Red Accent (1 yard), cut:
8 rectangles: 6½" x 14½" R1
2: 2" x WOF strips, use for drawstring cord
Black accent (FQ), cut:
4 rectangles: 6½" x 4½" B1
2 squares: 4½" x 4½" B2
4 squares: 6½" x 6½" B3
Gold accent (F8), cut:
4: 1½" x 4½" G1
4: 1½" x 6½" G2
White accent (FQ), cut:
8 rectangles: 6½" x 4" W1
16 squares: 2¾" x 2¾" W2
Drawstring patchwork, cut:
24 squares: 3½" x 3½" P1
Lining (1½ yard), cut:
2 rectangles: 18½" x 38½"
2 squares: 12½" x 12½" (one of these becomes the exterior bottom piece)
Trim one square using Template 1 (this becomes the interior bottom piece)
Batting or Soft and Stable, cut:
2 rectangles: 18½" x 38½" or larger
1 square: 12½" x 12½"
Assembly Instructions
Santa Patchwork
Draw a diagonal line on all W2 squares. Stitch and flip one W2 square to each corner of every B3 square. Makes 4.
Assemble half the red, black, gold, white fabric units and patchwork squares according to the diagram. Press to your preference. Make two Santa patchwork blocks. Blocks measure 18½" x 38½".
Quilt each Santa patchwork block to a matching size or oversized piece of batting. Quilt with a loose design to avoid shrinking the patchwork. I quilted a 3" grid on both sides. If using an oversized piece of batting, trim excess after quilting.
Quilt one 12½" x 12½" lining rectangle to a matching size piece of batting. Trim the quilted square using Template 1. This will be the exterior bottom of the bag.
Sew the 18½" x 38½" lining rectangles, RST, along both long sides to create a tube. Press seams open.
Sew the interior bottom piece circle to the bottom of the tube. To do this, fold the tube and Template 1 circle into eighths and crease. Match the units at the crease marks and pin liberally. I pinned at the crease marks and once between each crease mark. Sew with a ¼" seam allowance. I didn’t have quite enough fabric in my stash for the lining, so I pieced the bottom circle with some remnants.
Sack Exterior
Draw two horizontal lines across the 18½" dimension of both Santa patchwork blocks. Draw the first line 2¾" from the top and the second line 3¾" from the top; this marks the channel for the drawstrings. Match the Santa patchwork blocks RST, ensuring that the marks on each side are aligned. Sew the patchwork blocks together along the long edges, stopping and starting at each marked point (this leaves the 1" gap unsewn). Back stitch to secure the seams at each stopping point. Press the seams open.
Turn the exterior tube right side out. Top stitch around both 1" openings left in the side seams to secure the patchwork.
Turn the exterior tube wrong side out. Sew the quilted exterior circle to the bottom of the tube using the same method described above.
Bag Assembly
Begin with the patchwork exterior tube right side out and the lining tube wrong side out. Insert the patchwork tube into the lining tube. Align the side seams and sew the top edges together, leaving at least a 4" opening. Backstitch to secure the seam.
Turn the bag right side out through the 4" opening. Press the top to neaten the seam, then top stitch around the top to secure the seam and close the opening. (If using a FriXion pen or similar heat sensitive ink, make sure to not erase the drawstring channel lines previously drawn on the patchwork.
Drawstring Cord
Press both red fabric 2" x WOF strips in half, wrong sides together. Open up the strip, fold the raw edges towards the middle and press. Fold in half along the original fold and press. Fold each short end in on itself twice to hide the raw ends. Stitch down the length of strip, securing the double folded ends and folded length.
Threading the Cord
Sew around the bag, through the exterior and lining, following the line marked at 2½". Sew a second time around the tube, following the line at the 3½".
Insert one length of cord into one of the side seam openings. Thread the cord all the way around the channel, back through the opening where the cord was originally inserted. Insert the second length of cord into the opposite side opening and thread the cord all the way back around to the opening where the cord was inserted. To secure the cord, tie the ends of each length in a knot.
And you’re done! Step back and enjoy your seriously oversized Santa Sack. Pack it full of gifts to take to your White Elephant party, when you travel to see family or leave it under your tree for your little ones to find. However you use it, I know you’ll make magical holiday memories.